Monday, 21 December 2009

Monterey 2009: Blastolene's twin-supercharged V12 Peterbilt hot rod — Autoblog

When I was young, in my teens, I had a very strange psychiatric disorder.  You see at the time I was engrossed in F1, Le Mans and Ferrari 250LMs, a perfectly respectable interest for a 15 year old, I was also secretly grooving to US hot rods - something only coarse and common boys were into.  It is hard to imagine how different these two categories of vehicle were.  I have to confess that this split personality, this automotive schizophrenia, has never quite left me.
So it was with quivering excitement that I read the story in Autoblog of the Blastolene V12 Peterbilt hot rod.  What a machine, what a concept, what a name, wowee! Such a fantastical concoction so beautifully made couldn't help but stir the blood.  So see for yourself....isn't it quite something!
Monterey 2009: Blastolene's twin-supercharged V12 Peterbilt hot rod — Autoblog

Photo copyright ©2009 Drew Phillips / Weblogs, Inc.

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