Toyota have just released a version of the the legendary Land Cruiser just for Australia. The Big Country is harsh and unforgiving. Only the strongest survive. Range Rovers, Discoverys and Mercedes Benz G-Wagens wilt and die as the Outback pounds them into submission, breaking their suspensions and ruining their power trains. 90% of 4WDs in the Outback are Toyota Land Cruisers! And for good reason….they are just about the toughest thing this side of an Abrams MBT.

The Land Cruiser GX is specially built for Oz. This is not the Land Cruiser of Surrey and Bridge of Allan providing Young Mothers with the idiotic notion that their darling kiddies will be safer in a big vehicle on their half mile trip to school.

No this is a real Land Cruiser with vinyl mats, vertically hinged rear doors and a snorkel designed to go where none can go. This is a tough mutha for a tough country