Tuesday, 24 April 2012

VIDEO: Test flying a human-powered plane

Perhaps had the producers paid more attention to understanding basic physics and less on creating an “artistic” video we might have been spared this dreadful enterprise.  I feel sorry for the “pilot” who seemed so enthusiastic yet ignorant in that wonderful public school way so many BBC presenters have

Bang Goes The Theory's Jem Stansfield attempts to build a plane which is kept in the air by the energy of his own pedalling.

VIDEO: Test flying a human-powered plane
Tue, 24 Apr 2012 10:56:50 GMT

A short holiday from Blogging

Seems ages since I’ve blogged but there is a perfectly good reason for this.  For the last 6 weeks I’ve been in Oz and unable to to do any.

But now I’m back so expect more ridicule, celebration and interesting things!

Like the excruciating symbiosis between Victoria Beckham and the horrid Landrover Evoque.  Franco Scaglione would turn in his grave!
