Saturday, 17 April 2010

CV-22 crash not caused by mechanical failure

 Flight International is carrying a report that the recent crash of a USAF Special Operations Command CV-22 Osprey was not due to mechanical failure after having already had enemy action eliminated from the possible causes.

 Source: CV-22 crash not caused by mechanical failure: "The BellBoeing CV-22 crash in Afghanistan on 8 April was not caused by

The revolutionary CV-22 is a very important aircraft for the US and its long development has been punctuated by a number of crashes due to both mechanical failure (its twin tilting rotor system is fiendishly complicated and has taken a long time to perfect) and pilot error (it is rumoured that the conversion from normal helicopters to the CV-22 is difficult).

Could it be as the result of the dreaded "brown out" that so bedevils rotary wing operations in Afghanistan?

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