Wednesday 1 February 2012

Press focus on Goodwin 'humbling'

Let’s be quite clear here.  The problem is self-serving, technically incompetent greedy BIG business such as banking that single handedly, through unbridled greed and without remorse created the mess that we the tax payer have to deal with in an economic environment where the impact of said BIG business has made us much worse off than we were.

For the Institute of Directors to conflate all endeavour as “business” as if it were homogenous is a travesty.  Many of my friends have their own businesses and operate ethically and responsibly, unlike BIG business, but now find it almost too hard to keep going as a result of the crisis.  Their livelihoods are now at risk.  Against this background who gives a shit if Fred Goodwin loses a Knighthood that he didn’t deserve and should never have received in the first place

Surely the role of the institute of Directors is to promote ethical, competent trading by businesses, not to whinge and whine about image.  Someone should explain the differences between criminal, unethical and incompetent to this august (?) body.  Surely they don’t really mean “do what you like as long as it’s legal” or do they?

I for one am utterly sick of the self-justification and greed.

Press focus on Fred Goodwin's 'humbling'

Wed, 01 Feb 2012 05:19:08 GMT

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